Boone Ring Finishes

The Brushed finish has fine lines that go along The Polished finish is a mirror finish. 
    It looks similar to a chromium toaster. The Angled Brush finish has fine lines
    going at a 45 degree angle.  It catches
    the light nicely on a curved ring. The Cross Brush finish is a coarse finish
    that shows X marks in the light.



Angled Brush

Cross Brush


  The Satin finish on the far ring is an
    even matte finish.  It is done with a scruffy
    wheel, so cannot be controlled in tight areas. The Bead Blast finish is a dark and
    dull finish. It contrasts nicely with
    polished. It is not as robust as Satin. The Peened finish is made with a ballpeen
    hammer then polished afterwards. It reflects
    facets of light and doesn't show abuse.


Bead Blast



The Brushed Ballpeen is also made with
    a ballpeen hammer, but it is brushed afterward
    to be less reflective. The Rough Scratch finish is done with a 
    sanding drum while the ring spins on a lathe.
    It has a clean, even lines. The Angled Rough Scratch is the same as
    RS, but the lines go more at an angle to the 
    ring.  It enhances reflections on curved rings. The Alien Skin finish has random lines of
    swirling patterns done with an abrasive tip. The
    finish looks better in person than in photographs.

Brushed Ballpeen

Rough Scratch

Angled Rough Scratch

Alien Skin