Titanium Rings Studio News

Honey, Have you seen my wedding band? 0
"Honey, Have you seen my wedding band?" Dreaded words none of us ever want to hear from our spouses. These simple words can act as triggers for even the most emotionally diligent of us married people. All of us are busy. All of us have far too many details to attend with little or no respite. Is there a GPS device that can be used for locating our missing wedding bands? Or perhaps an electroshock devise for those of us who chronically misplace precious items.
My husbands titanium wedding band went missing some years ago. It was especially troubling since the ring was enhanced with a wide platinum inlay and 9, 2mm diamonds encircling the ring, and of course, was not insured against loss. We were both sad. I didn’t rail him about it because I could see he was already completely devastated. We turned the house upside down looking for the ring. We went through the trash and the cars, suitcases and backpacks. Finally, we gave up the search and I ordered a set of simple titanium rings as an anniversary present for both of us and to make him feel a little better about the loss.
At the time, my husband was a professional car detailer and it was common for him to trade car detailing for services. We had an ongoing account with our dentist and for many years enjoyed regular teeth cleaning services in trade for keeping our dentists and his family’s cars immaculate. In an effort to keep his wedding band in good shape, my husband promised me he would leave his wedding band at home while he worked on cars.
Two years after the ring disappeared, I was at the dentist for a procedure which required local anesthesia and while my dentist drilled away at some damaged tooth in my mouth, and like so many dentists do, he began to small talk with me. He asked me how the titanium ring business was going and I made affirming noises to the best of my ability given the compromising condition of my mouth. He then began telling me a story about borrowing his mothers car for a trip to some kind of dentist symposium or something. He said he had given the car over to the valet for the weekend and that when the weekend workshop ended, he returned to pick up the car. He said he opened the trunk and rolling around in the trunk, he found a titanium ring. The ring was engraved with “Your heart is my song”.
Photo Credit to Darby Davenport
At this point, I practically hit the ceiling! I yelled as best I could that the ring belonged to my husband. Of course I had to repeat this several times until he understood. He then proceeded to tell me that he thought the ring must belong to someone on staff at the hotel venue where he had stayed over the weekend. He thought perhaps his mothers car had served as a “cozy refuge” for some kind of wicked activity while parked in the parking garage and that during that activity, someone had lost a ring. So, he asked the valet if he recognized the ring. When the valet stated he did not, my dentist, who has a strong moral ethic, then proceeded to grill all the parking garage staff on shift.
As he was telling me this, I began to sweat. There was a huge wail building up in my chest and I soon began to feel an impending internal explosion. Finally, he told me that no one claimed the ring that day in the parking garage and that he had brought the ring home and handed it over to his wife who then dropped the ring in her jewelry box. As far as he knew, the ring should still be there. I felt completely wrung out at that point. I rarely enjoy procedures at the dentist, but this particular appointment took every inch of my patience and energy. We concluded the appointment with a call to my dentists wife, and she confirmed the ring was still in her possession!
Arrangements were made and I picked up the ring with no word of this discovery being mentioned to my dear husband. I had the ring professionally polished, put it in a ring box, bought a nice card and made dinner reservations. My unsuspecting husband sat down to dinner after a full work day, exhausted and very hungry. After we placed our order, I handed him the card. I don’t fully remember the written content in the card, but it was enough to make him tear up. I thought, “Just wait! This card is nothing compared to what you’re about to see!” I then placed the ring box on the table and said, “Will you marry me, again?”. Oh how I wish I had a picture of his face as he opened the box and realization slowly crept over his expression.
The loss of his beautiful wedding band provided one of the most miraculous and memorable moments of our years together. I don’t recommend attempting to purposely create a similar experience, but I do appreciate the lessons we learned from this. I often hear from customers who’ve lost their wedding rings and the biggest concern is the feelings of the spouse. There is often a huge degree of stress being placed on the person seeking to replace the lost ring and I continually feel grateful that I did not do that to my husband. We let go and we were rewarded, though it took two years! Our love was strengthened that day and we were given a very special story to share that was and continues to be ours and ours alone.
- Susan Smith

Firefighter's Titanium Medal 0
View of North San Juan fire from Nevada City Photo taken by Visa Eksyma
Here in Northern California, fire season is in full swing and is proving to be more challenging each year. And each year, we owe our safety to those men and women who go out to meet each new flame with everything they've got! This summer we've had more than our share of smoke filled skies and we've only just reached August. With thousands of acres going up in flames, I am in awe of these dedicated and courageous people who gear up and run right into the path of danger so that we can sit back in the safety of our homes and complain about the poor air quality.
I can't begin to imagine the intensity of the work these amazing humans endure! Many of California's wildfires occur during heatwaves and while I can barely function through a day of triple digits, these brave men and women are out there in full gear, in the heat and smoke confronting fire.
According to this short video the gear can weigh up to 70 pounds!
Just this week, there was a fire about 30 miles from Titanium Rings Studio. While we felt relatively safe in our location, we know many people who had to evacuate their homes, and this fire was moving very fast. Firefighters were on the scene even faster though, and they worked through the night to save our neighboring mountain town. People were able to return to their homes the very next morning. It was an amazing and frightening event to witness!
Here at Titanium Rings Studio, we make titanium rings in honor of these firefighting men and women. The rings are made to be durable and are created in a variety of styles. Whether you're a firefighter or have a firefighter in your life, these titanium bands are made to be worn as a badge of honor and support. It is with a great deal of respect and tons of awe that we make these rings in the hopes that someone out there is wearing a little piece of love from us.
The best medal we can offer...titanium.
- Susan Smith
- Tags: Firefighter's Ring

The Little Message In The Ring Is Actually A Big Deal 0
In my 14 years at Titanium Rings Studio, I’ve been privileged to work with many couples preparing to get married, or renew vows, celebrate an anniversary, or any number of celebratory occasions marking an important event in their lives. Providing customer service for these folks is very exciting, even inspiring and I love my job! Really! I mean I love the part of my job that puts me in direct contact with you lovely people who want to get everything right.
While I can’t help with invitations, centerpieces, event planning etc., I’m qualified to help you determine the right size and width for your wedding band. I can coach you on a good design for your life partner or fiancé. I can offer advise on the right finish for your design choice and I can tout facts about the metals being used to make the finished product. If we can’t provide the requested item, I can often send you in the right direction. Anything wedding band, engagement ring, diamonds, gold, titanium, silver, platinum, custom ring design, I’m your girl.
And this is where I have to get real with you all! Some of you simply come to our site, see something you like and purchase it without talking to me. You just show up in our online store, put your item in the cart and move on to the next task on your event-planning list (Thanks for your orders!). I get it! You have a lot of ground to cover to make your deadline. There is just one little detail that is being missed in all this rush to get it all done…YOUR ENGRAVING!!!!! That’s right, I’ve said it: the engraving in your ring. Seriously! Can you tell I’m a bit peeved about this? So, I know I’ve now lost some of you, but really, hear me out. This is huge! Planning for your big event can require a lot of focus and energy, I understand, but here’s why you must give this little detail some serious consideration:
- The message you engrave into your ring is a time capsule. Where you are right now will never be again. There are little things we all say to each other everyday that may fade away with time. Don’t lose that! You will regret it, I promise.
- Including the date in the engraving, along with your endearing message will ensure no one forgets the anniversary in the future. This is more important than you know. I know you don’t believe you could possibly ever forget a date so memorable but take it from a professional in the business, it happens. And it will make you sad!
- Things change! As we go through our lives together our bodies change, our personalities alter, and our health can change. We can go through fazes of disinterest or disaffection. We can become apathetic or lazy about relationship and love. The condition of our wedding bands change as well. They may have lost some shine and sometimes in our relationships, things can look dismal. This is all part of being together. One thing that won’t change is that message in your engraving. IT IS ENGRAVED! IT WILL NEVER CHANGE! This little detail could have big meaning to you one day and it can make all the difference.
- Creating a unique message together can be fun. Get creative, make it a game, be sneaky, make it a surprise. However you do it, consider it one of the first exercises you do to start your next chapter on a high note.
Now that we have gone through the list of the top four reasons I can think of for getting your rings engraved, let me continue with a few more details on this topic. In my experience, many of you are nervous about coming up with a meaningful message in a few short words that can fit on a ring. Here’s the deal, simple is best. Don’t overthink it, just do it. It doesn’t have to be epic. It doesn’t have to be poetry (unless you want that); it doesn’t have to be deep. It can be funny, or something only the two of you get. Remember, it’s on the inside of the ring so it’s just for you. And this, seriously, please stop with the “Forever & Always”. I have seen it said, “Till We Are Penguins”. Now isn’t that cute! You can do it, just give it some time. Get relaxed, go for a walk, spend some time in nature and tune in to your inner love channel with a little humor thrown in. Your future self thanks you and so do I!
To see a list of suggestions to get your gears turning, check out our engraving page.
- Susan Smith

"Hole In The Wall" Cafe and 4th Page Listings with Search Engines 1
Most of us know about the “hole in the wall” restaurant, or “back alley” crafts shop. You know, the place off the main street, tucked away, where we find the most delicious foods and best deals. Well, let me tell you, it is no different online.
Those back stores and restaurants can be the businesses that carry the best food, handcrafted goods, etc. that if we weren’t inclined towards adventure, or were short on time would have completely missed. Location isn’t everything. I like to think quality counts for something, don’t you?
Often, the location of these high quality shops isn’t a choice made by the shop owner. It is likely a matter of finance. Those main street shops pay big time for their location. And here’s the crux of the matter, just because a business can afford the high profile location does not guarantee a high quality experience. In addition, these businesses can tend towards relying too heavily on their location, causing them to become lazy and careless.
Personally, my favorite stop for a high quality coffee drink here in our little historic town of Nevada City is a tiny little cafe called Foxhound Espresso. This coffee joint cranks out the best, and most artistically presented coffee beverages I've ever had the privilege to consume. This little gem is not on our main street. In fact, there is very little going on in way of commerce in this location, and since his product is of a certain quality, the owner doesn't need to worry as long as his integrity doesn't fail.
Similarly, online merchants pay big time for their spot in search engines as well. There is a virtual tooth and nail battle for the number 1 position with Google that costs merchants a pretty penny with no guarantees. My point is, there are some high quality businesses on page 2, 3 and 4, who simply can’t fork out the dough to gain a position on Main Street. So, just because you don’t find it on the first page doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And, conversely, just because a business shows up on page 1 for a search, doesn’t mean their product is of the highest quality.
Titanium Rings Studio has been online for 14 years selling handcrafted titanium wedding bands and engagement rings. In the beginning, there was very little competition and we enjoyed a long stint of being great in the eyes of Google. We were number 1 for searches using “titanium rings” for about 2 years. Our position with Google has changed, but our product and dedication to integrity have not. Before you accuse me of whining, let me just say, a business that first sets out to create a product from a place of inspiration can easily be buried under the need to advertise. This is true in any venue. And that is what placement with search engines is…advertising.
We are good at making rings. We are good at customer service. We’re not always great at selling ourselves in advertising. So, when you’re searching, remember, not all the goodies place first: it’s mostly those whose focus has been on pleasing the search engines, not necessarily on pleasing you.
- Susan Smith

Celtic Rings: Charming Connections with an Ancient Culture 0
Celtic Rings: Charming Connections with an Ancient Culture
The many Celtic motifs reflected by Celtic rings create strong attachments with those who wear them. The intricately knotted designs of Celtic rings draw you into the past, intriguing you with mysteries that cannot quite be revealed.
Once the pagan lords of prehistoric Western Europe, much of the history of the Celts is difficult to establish. The first written accounts come from the Romans, starting at about 400 B.C., but the Celts existed for centuries before this. A wide collection of tribes with a shared culture, Celtic civilization dominated Western and Central Europe during the Iron Age, and as Roman and Germanic peoples expanded, the Celts were pushed farther west into Britain and Ireland. The exact time of the Celtic expansion into Ireland is disputed, but archeological evidence supports that the Celts were living in Ireland in 300 B.C.
Ireland, at the western extreme of Celtic civilization, was not absorbed by Rome and the region nurtured the Celtic culture and eventually melded it into Christian civilization. The folklore, art, and history of the Celts are thoroughly integrated with the Irish people and define them culturally to this day.
Modern Celtic rings are inspired by Celtic jewelry traditions. The enclosed, single-line designs without a starting point or ending point of Celtic art capture such ancient symbols as the stag, the dragon, the horse, the oak tree, the moon, the stars, infinity, protection, love and the Celtic cross. Celtic art presents nature through designs based on spirals, geometry, or knots. Celtic knots use one or more lines that pass over and under each other to form the design, and the best artists are able to use only one line.
Celtic art took form in many mediums from stone to gold to silver to bronze. The Celtic tradition that has weathered the centuries now has been translated into the durable medium of titanium. The nature-inspired lines of Celtic art that appear on Celtic rings create a piece that you can ponder on your finger every day. If you want to honor your own Irish heritage or you admire the Celtic art for its own value, Celtic rings will align you with an ancient time.
Celtic Rings: Stylish as Ever
With the rich tradition of Celtic art to draw upon, Celtic rings come in many designs that suit men and women. You could pick a design that uniquely symbolizes your hopes and beliefs. Perhaps a Celtic ring displaying the knot would speak strongly to you. With so many designs to choose from for Celtic rings, you would rarely encounter another person wearing the same ring.
One tremendous appeal of Celtic rings is the meaning summoned by each design. The folklore and history of many tribes through many centuries have built the traditions of Celtic art, and each design tells a story or imbues you with the supposed powers of ancient mystical beliefs. For example, each crossing line in a Celtic knot protects the wearer, and the single line Celtic knots represent how all the world is connected. By choosing a Celtic ring you will be wearing something that is more than pretty. You will become part of a long cultural tradition that has endured for thousands of years.
In the hectic modern world where thoughts are always on the present and the future, people are increasingly attracted to Celtic rings because Celtic rings offer a long story instead of a sound byte. The very basic Celtic shield knot is a symbol of protection, and its artistic origins are thought to go back even farther into history than the Celts.
Celtic Rings: Capture the Meaning of Any Occasion
Birthdays, graduations, and especially marriages can be honored with Celtic rings portraying appropriate symbolism. Loyalty, wisdom, love, protection, strength, courage, your connection to nature all can be displayed with Celtic rings. Designs are created using a single line, never ending, never beginning. Where the lines overlap represent a shield of protection. Although Celtic rings are made in all metals, you can select one with an eye-catching special quality by choosing Celtic rings made from titanium.
Although titanium has only been refined and used in modern times, its quality and character translate perfectly to Celtic design. The strength of silvery gray titanium allows it to hold the intricate Celtic designs well and protects it from distortion and scratches that a softer metal can suffer. Titanium is also an increasingly popular medium for wedding rings, particularly men’s wedding rings. Many couples select Celtic rings for their wedding rings because it either honors their heritage or they appreciate the meaning of the Celtic designs.
Even when made of new materials such as titanium, Celtic rings never have a plain mass produced look to them. Each design was developed long ago by forgotten masters who were inspired by a complex culture. Celtic rings always hearken back to a lost age where family bonds were everything and the forces of nature were interwoven into every step of life.
Explore the variety of Celtic rings available and choose a design that strengthens your beliefs and honors the genius of Celtic art.
Copyright © 2005 Titanium Rings Studio, Eric Pless
Eric Pless founded Titanium Rings Studio in 1998 after mastering his craft with 11 years of experience working with titanium and silver. His artistic passion has always been with metalworking, which he studied enthusiastically even in high school shop classes. His successful artisan business, Titanium Rings Studio, crafts fine quality handmade titanium rings. Full lines of stunning wedding rings, engagement rings, Celtic rings, tension rings, friendship rings, and titanium bracelets are available.
Revised by Susan Smith 2016
Susan began working with Eric Pless in 2000. Having learned all aspects of the business, Susan went on to take over the business, with craftsman Jacob Hansard in 2012. Titanium Rings Studio continues to provide a handcrafted product, made here in the USA, with dedication to artistry and awesome customer service.
https://blog.udemy.com/celtic-knot-meanings/ by Cate Leona
http://www.ibiblio.org/gaelic/celts.html ( http://www.ibiblio.org/ )
“Ireland Through the Ages” by Michael Jenner, copyright 1992.
- Susan Smith

Hypoallergenic Jewelry and the Titanium Solution 0
Hypoallergenic Jewelry and the Titanium Solution
If you have skin sensitivities to some metals and you want to wear rings, then you probably wish you could talk to the person who makes your jewelry. A clerk at a jewelry counter may or may not be well informed about the possible nickel or cobalt content of the jewelry. Nickel and cobalt are the leading sources of allergic skin reactions and are sometimes incorporated in alloys of precious metals when making jewelry. At Titanium Rings Studio, however, you can find out the content of all the materials that go into its handcrafted titanium rings. You will have direct access to the artisans who make the rings and order the raw materials. Concerns about metal allergies can be fully addressed when you deal with a small artisan studio, and you can feel confident about the answers you receive.
Metal allergies affect approximately 10 percent of people, and jewelry made from hypoallergenic titanium offers many people a beautiful way of avoiding an allergic reaction. The hypoallergenic qualities of titanium are well documented and that is why titanium is often used to construct surgical instruments and joint replacement parts, especially hip joints. Lightweight like aluminum and with a strength approaching that of steel, titanium has proven itself to be a versatile and attractive jewelry metal in addition to its hypoallergenic status.
Hypoallergenic titanium jewelry allows some people with metal sensitivities to enjoy wearing jewelry, especially rings since they are usually worn for long periods of time. Titanium rings can also serve as a base material with gold, silver, or platinum applied with inlays on the top outer surface. This technique, which the artisans at Titanium Rings Studio use extensively, offers the strength and low allergy characteristics of titanium along with the beauty of precious metals. Titanium rings with gold or platinum inlays offer an attractive solution for people who have metal allergies and need a wedding ring or engagement ring.
Metal allergies do not have to eliminate your ability to wear jewelry, especially a wedding band. Many choices are available for hypoallergenic jewelry, and titanium rings provide an attractive and durable option worth considering. With the multitude of styles available in handcrafted titanium rings, you will not even feel like you have to make compromises when selecting jewelry.
- Susan Smith