"Hole In The Wall" Cafe and 4th Page Listings with Search Engines

Most of us know about the “hole in the wall” restaurant, or “back alley” crafts shop. You know, the place off the main street, tucked away, where we find the most delicious foods and best deals. Well, let me tell you, it is no different online.
Those back stores and restaurants can be the businesses that carry the best food, handcrafted goods, etc. that if we weren’t inclined towards adventure, or were short on time would have completely missed. Location isn’t everything. I like to think quality counts for something, don’t you?
Often, the location of these high quality shops isn’t a choice made by the shop owner. It is likely a matter of finance. Those main street shops pay big time for their location. And here’s the crux of the matter, just because a business can afford the high profile location does not guarantee a high quality experience. In addition, these businesses can tend towards relying too heavily on their location, causing them to become lazy and careless.
Personally, my favorite stop for a high quality coffee drink here in our little historic town of Nevada City is a tiny little cafe called Foxhound Espresso. This coffee joint cranks out the best, and most artistically presented coffee beverages I've ever had the privilege to consume. This little gem is not on our main street. In fact, there is very little going on in way of commerce in this location, and since his product is of a certain quality, the owner doesn't need to worry as long as his integrity doesn't fail.
Similarly, online merchants pay big time for their spot in search engines as well. There is a virtual tooth and nail battle for the number 1 position with Google that costs merchants a pretty penny with no guarantees. My point is, there are some high quality businesses on page 2, 3 and 4, who simply can’t fork out the dough to gain a position on Main Street. So, just because you don’t find it on the first page doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And, conversely, just because a business shows up on page 1 for a search, doesn’t mean their product is of the highest quality.
Titanium Rings Studio has been online for 14 years selling handcrafted titanium wedding bands and engagement rings. In the beginning, there was very little competition and we enjoyed a long stint of being great in the eyes of Google. We were number 1 for searches using “titanium rings” for about 2 years. Our position with Google has changed, but our product and dedication to integrity have not. Before you accuse me of whining, let me just say, a business that first sets out to create a product from a place of inspiration can easily be buried under the need to advertise. This is true in any venue. And that is what placement with search engines is…advertising.
We are good at making rings. We are good at customer service. We’re not always great at selling ourselves in advertising. So, when you’re searching, remember, not all the goodies place first: it’s mostly those whose focus has been on pleasing the search engines, not necessarily on pleasing you.
- Susan Smith
Comments 1
Victoria LaFont
Great blog for small biz owners!! Thank you!