2013 was a tough year! In our world of titanium rings, the year began with a change of ownership and in the midst of our celebration, my breast cancer diagnosis. Just as my partner, Jacob Hansard, and I were taking charge at the helm for Titanium Rings Studio, I was promptly plunked into cancer treatment hell. This was not the way to start the New Year! However, we managed to take charge of a teetering business amidst a struggling economy while creating a new look and navigation for the web site. Hence our recent re-launch of the site with an updated new look that has been long overdue. It is a testament to our commitment and ability as a team to work together in the face of great challenges! I have to say here that I have the best business partner ever, because while I was going through the life-changing experience of cancer treatment, Jake was completely supportive…ready to step in wherever I fell out. I can’t thank you enough Jake! I also discovered that being on the phone with customers was absolutely therapeutic for me. I couldn’t be feeling pitiful and still be effective for our customers, so I found myself stepping outside of my pain and self-pity in order to be there for our customers, and that kept me strong. So, while there is never a shortage of work to be done both in the studio and on the web site, we are extremely grateful to have achieved such milestones in the face of extraordinary adversity. We invite you with warm hearts and proud faces to our website,
Titanium Rings Studio and welcome any and all feedback. Jake and I have grown into our administrative roles, liberated from all confines, we are reveling in this newfound artistic freedom and ability to control every facet of our business. And I am now cancer free! As you browse the site be sure to check out our variety of
Men's Titanium Wedding Bands,
Playful Promise Rings and
Black Titanium Rings. Included here are
Thin Blue Line Titanium Rings as well as
Titanium Diamond Rings and so much more. Jake and I are ready for 2014! We’re ready for a year of creative brainstorming and discovering what else can be done with titanium jewelry. Perhaps this is the year we can play with meteorite inlays! And I will get my hair back! We look forward to this being the year of great health and living life to the fullest and we want to do our part to make this true for you as well. Let’s celebrate!
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